Favorites Podcasts

Hi there! Here are some of the current podcast on rotation at the office. Let me know if you have any podcast to recommend! Enjoy these great episodes!

New Work - Medium Term Plan

One of our most recent works at Souvenirme Studio was to developed this publication for FONTAGRO sector at the Inter-American Development Bank. The publication consisted in 40 pages and was published in English and Spanish.

FONTAGRO is a unique regional cooperation mecha- nism to promote agricultural research and innova- tion among its members. It includes fifteen countries that have contributed a capital of some $100 million. FONTAGRO is sponsored by the Inter-American De- velopment Bank (IDB) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and it operates through a Technical Administrative Sec- retariat (TAS) based at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C.  

New Work - Infographics for the Pan American Health Organization

The Pan American Health Organization/WHO based in Washington D.C., reached out to the Studio to design an infographic about "Alcohol and Injuries" in different countries of South and Central America. The infographic consisted on a template that we adapted for the following countries: Argentina, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic. In the different infographics the audience can see how important alcohol is as a factor in people having accidents. Below are a couple of images as an example.

cheers for new beginnings!


With winter comes those days that allow us to slow down and focus on the duties we leave behind during warm days. Only to have drinks with the loved ones and friends.

Finally Souvenirme received the Spa treatment that it deserved. Starting 2016 with a new more organized look with better visualization that allow you to enjoy the site on any of your devices.

I hope you like and don't forget to share it ;)

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
Charles Dickens